Some questions from young people


Here are answers to some questions I’ve gotten from kids:

What was your childhood like? What kind of schooling experiences did you have growing up?

I grew up in the 1970s. My sister and I ran loose all over the neighborhood, playing Little House on the Prairie and Kick The Can. At night, all the kids would get together to play Flashlight Tag. There were no cell phones, so the only way my mother could tell us she wanted us home was to ring a cow bell. When we heard the cowbell, we knew it was time to run home. It wasn’t always safe — there’s a lot of not-so-safe stuff in the world — but we did have a lot of freedom.

Where did you receive your education and do you have any degrees?

I went to Grinnell College in Iowa, and I have a Masters in Public Administration from Baruch College, the City University of New York. I don’t use that MPA anymore — at least not professionally. It does give me a better understanding of the news — especially stories that relate to politics.

What are your hobbies when you’re not writing?

I have two rescue dogs — an Australian shepherd and a little brown mutt, both of whom I adore. I read a ton, and I almost always have multiple books going at once. I’ve recently learned a few chords on the guitar. I also like spending time with friends, though when you’re a grownup and a parent, you don’t get nearly as much time with friends as you like.

What would be some characteristics of your writing style?

When I write, I’m kind of scattered, I write things out of order, and I use a lot of post-its and index cards. I look around for things that interest me, and I try to follow them wherever they lead.

What is your family life like today?

Chaotic! I have two kids. They are very busy, and I try to spend as much time with them as possible. I’m married to a guy named Blair, who I met in high school.